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If you’re interested in keeping tabs on our work or hearing about upcoming events, email pta@eastbaydsa.org or follow us on twitter @peopletransit

Share Thoughts

We are always interested in hearing from riders and transit union members, feel free to email us at pta@eastbaydsa.org and share any thoughts that could inform our organizing. We’re a small, volunteer-run organization so we may not always get a chance to respond, but we read and appreciate your thoughts.

If you take the time to email us, let us know what mode of transportation you use and what lines. If you are a union member, let us know what union you belong to.


PTA is entirely volunteer-run. This means we need you, a volunteer, to join! In particular, we are in need of these roles:

  • Canvassers - Related to the Riders Budget campaign, you can participate by talking to riders about this demand.
  • Communications - We publish articles, design graphics, maintain a Twitter feed, and make memes.
  • Librarian/archivist/informationalist - As we develop and execute campaigns we develop a lot of useful tools and information that needs to be archived in ways that are legible and accessible to existing and new members and eventually become frameworks for other organizers.
  • Members coordinator - Someone who keeps an eye out for our existing members and supports new members. This could include doing 1:1s with interested new members, check-ins with existing members, coordinating socials, and sharing PTA updates.
  • Watchdogging - We attend AC Transit meeting every other Wednesday evening and give public comment on important agenda items. Our work would always benefit from having more voices at these meetings! The Tuesday before a meeting we review the agenda together, discuss the issues and have a lively chat during the meetings themselves. We also occasionally attend MTC (Metropolitan Transit Commission) meetings and give public comment.
  • Fare-free researchers and proposal writers - This campaign is currently on pause, but we welcome anyone interested in seeing AC Transit go fare-free.
  • Reimagining Public Safety - This campaign is also currently on pause, but was inspired by ACT-LA’s publication Metro as Sanctuary and we were researching alternatives to policing that provide safer transit experiences for workers and riders. Again, we would still love to hear from anyone interested in this campaign!

With that being said, you don’t need any particular skills or even more than a few hours to be a huge help to our movement. Power flows from the people, so get involved! We strive to actively mentor. Email us at pta@eastbaydsa.org if you are interested.


Demanding a better AC Transit

AC Transit’s lack of respect and support for its frontline workers has created a severe labor shortage, causing a crisis for workers and riders. Short staffing and other onerous working conditions have led many transit workers to take other jobs, while many others are out on injury or take early retirement. Without adequate staffing, AC Transit cannot restore the service that riders need.

As transit workers and riders, we stand in solidarity to demand the working conditions and transit service we all deserve. We know that we are powerful when we stand together!

Sign the petition